
Shiratani Unsuikyo Ravine in Yakushima Island (Kyushu)

Yakushima is a circular island about 130 km circumference, having mysterious virgin forests and a diverse range of peculiar ecosystems, is referred to as the Galapagos of East Asia.

Hiryuotoshi Fall      It's the waterfall of 16m flowing down the gap of granite.

 Shiratani River running through the virgin forest.

The Ravine became famous as Hayao Miyazaki use it as the backdrop for the animated film "Princess Mononoke".

This moss forest is said to have inspired the animated film “Princess Mononoke”.

Yayoisugi Cedar  (over 3,000 years old)

Landscape from Taikoiwa of altitude 1,050m.

End of Shiratani Unsuikyo Ravine.     return to List of scenic sites visited

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